Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Windows 7 Backup Solutions

The data contained on your computer, or in your computer network, is the bedrock of your business. What would happen if suddenly all of that data disappeared? Well, it could literally mean the end of your business. There are different back up solutions for different operating systems, but here we will focus on how you would approach a Windows 7 backup.

Windows 7 backup and restore centre

Most people are not even aware that, if you are considering a backupto protect all of your data, Windows 7 has its own tools for this purpose. The centre is a predecessor of that first introduced when Windows Vista came on the market, and as such this centre is an even further improved and refined offering to previous ones.
So, the first thing to do would be to investigate the centre to ascertain if you are able to take care of your backup yourself.

Windows 7 'duplicate copy' feature

When doing a Windows 7 backup, be aware that the duplicate or 'shadow copy' feature enables the restoration of earlier versions of files or folders. Should you decide to change the file or folders this functionality will automatically update previous version of that file or folders with your changes. This is especially convenient if you are working on a shared network or external hard drives, as these are supported during the process.

Failed backup

If you are unable to undertake a backup, or something goes wrong during the process, then its time to call in the professionals, who can assess the problem, restore any data you may have lost and then back everything up.


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